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Bite The Bullet is a 2D metroidvania run & gun & eat. Mega Cat Studios partnered up with SpeedGaming and BAWLS to host a World Record Bounty Competition with cash prizes, and an immortalized achievement in the game for the World Record Holder.

- To submit runs, post a video in the Bite The Bullet Discord or submit it to the leaderboard at The top 3 players will win prizes.
- The deadline for submission of runs is Sunday September 20th, 11:59pm Pacific Time
- Video recording is required of the entire run, uninterrupted. A stream with VODs being saved is sufficient.
- SpeedGaming is the organizer of this contest and reserves all rights to make decisions about rules, timing, and the acceptance of the speedrun submissions.
- The category is Any%, No Major Glitches. The definition of a "Major Glitch" will be clarified and updated on an ongoing basis, depending on what glitches are found and how they impact the speedrun. The speedrunning community will be involved in these discussions, but the final decision will be made by the SpeedGaming staff.
- For questions email or contact feasel#9051 on Discord.