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      Gaming News — Kickstarter

      Kickstarter Pixel Art Round Up - Fables of Talumos and Medieval Shopkeeper Simulator

      Kickstarter Pixel Art Round Up - Fables of Talumos and Medieval Shopkeeper Simulator

      We're bringing everyone some sweet Kickstarter goodness for May! 





      Now, the retro game ingenuity keeps getting better every month, and there's always a lot of action and excitement for everyone. The titles over on Kickstarter are no different. This time we're going full-on sword and board, medieval fantasy style, but it's not quite what you'd expect. Fables of Talumos is a top-down retro-style action-adventure game set in a unique fantasy world, complete with magic monsters and a whole lot of exploration. 

      Dan Beckerton takes inspiration from his experiences with the Zelda franchise, Warcraft III, and, surprise, surprise, Dark Souls. Talomus is a colorful place breathing with life, courtesy of its four distinct races. The Hetonians are your good old human race; the Skogen is a race of deer-like humanoids with a strong affinity for nature; the Forlorn is cursed dragon-born humanoids brought to life by evil sorcery, and the Fallen are the undead hordes that seek revenge on everything that breathes freaky. You'll follow the story of an adventurer named Oskar as he travels through the moonlight realm to save his wife from an ominous disaster.

      Really cranking up the “follow your dreams” quote to the extreme now, are we? Fables of Talumos is definitely worth checking out if you're a diehard retro epic fantasy fanatic. 




      Adventuring is nice, but there are safer ways to make a living in the old-timey days of yore. Breakfast Studios got you covered with Medieval Shopkeeper Simulator, and no joke, it's literally what the title says. It's all in first-person, and it's up to you to do all the medieval shopkeeping things like crafting, buying and selling, franchising your medieval shops, and dabbling in a little bit of magic. No medieval game would be complete without a bit of arcane now, wouldn't it?

      The low-poly style adds a bit of charm to the game's world, and while you won't be venturing far and wide, you won't be stuck behind a shopkeep’s table either. There's a lot to do and very little time in the kingdom, and Medieval Shopkeeper Simulator looks to keep you busy if you're up to the challenge. So which medieval epic adventure do you choose? Go out and save the world? Or chill a bit and let the coin flow? Whatever path you take, just make sure you have fun on your journey! 

      Check out Kickstarter for more games mentioned, and check back with us for more updates! Join our Discord Channel for awesome discussions on all things retro, video games, and cats!