Mega Cat Studios and GDEX have partnered up with Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana to speedrun and raise funds during GDEX 2020 Virtual Weekend, Saturday Oct 10th 4:00pm-5:30pm EST. Together, we can grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Bite The Bullet is a 2D Metroidvania run, gun & eat, where every enemy is edible and every bite influences your character’s development, from skill trees to abilities. Join us this Saturday to test your skills, change lives and discover the post-apocalyptic world of BTB, all participants will receive a FREE Steam copy of Bite The Bullet. Participants are welcome to speedrun any game of their choosing.

The participant to raise the largest amount of donations will have their donations matched and receive a special prize by Mega Cat Studios!
GDEX is an annual Gaming Convention in Columbus, Ohio that brings Indie Developers, Industry Veterans, and fans of Video Games together.
Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana has granted 10,000+ wishes in Ohio alone since their founding in 1983, and more than 400 children are currently waiting for a wish. While COVID 19 has impacted hundreds of wishes and the world at large, Make-A-Wish remains steadfast in their mission to grant every eligible child the transformative hope a fulfilled wish brings.

Wishes have proven physical and emotional benefits that can give children with critical illnesses a higher chance of survival. And wishes not only help these children – they also have far-reaching, positive impacts on their families and communities.

- Participants must make a social post tagging @MegaCatStudios when beginning their stream.
- Please send VOD to or posted to the SpeedRunning channel on the Mega Cat Discord.
- While charity events may start at any time and last throughout the day, participants must be live during the Gdex Make-A-Wish Goes Fast window at 4:00-5:30pm EST