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      Retro Development — ghost minotaur game

      Mad Carnivores: Cramming Advanced Enemy Behavior in The Meating

      Mad Carnivores: Cramming Advanced Enemy Behavior in The Meating
      Developing retro games is always a dance of balancing features, processing speed, and cartridge space. Sloppy code or unrefined design can lead to a sloppy, slow game. However, clever design and masterful code can create a beautifully choreographed game. Programming the behavior of Voracious Ghosts in the Meating is an example of one such dance of development and design.

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      From Thousands to Hundreds: Exploring Memory Limitations in Retro Consoles

      From Thousands to Hundreds: Exploring Memory Limitations in Retro Consoles
      The memory capacity of a game cartridge has more to do with the amount of graphics it can handle or store. It affects the overall performance of the game, and what is possible for the game to do in terms of mechanics. This blog will offer a look at how these limitations can be overcome with creativity and planning.

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      Smooth Jumping for Platformers

      Smooth Jumping for Platformers

      Since moving around platforms is such an integral part of the platformer experience, it is crucial that this feels good to the player. Getting controls to feel just right though is a balancing act between in-game physics, collision, and game design. It is feat for the truly meaty at heart.

      If this isn't you, fear not! Read on to find out more about these elements, and how we worked through them to make the jumping of Kon, a ghost minotaur, feel great in our upcoming NES platformer, The Meating!

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