Kickstarter Pixel Art Round Up: Beyond Creations & Synder
We’re right smack at the beginning of Halloween season, so a few spooky games are ripe for the picking. It’s time we took a dive into Kickstarter for two games worth playing with the lights out…if you’re brave enough.

Beyond Creations aims to go above and beyond when it comes to bringing your deepest, darkest fears to life. With a unique and captivating adventure game which they say is tailor-made for, and created by puzzle lovers, we’re kind of anxious, but nevertheless looking forward to Dead End: Escape Your Fears.
What’s looking to be an ever-evolving type of video game that pushes the limits already existing adventure and puzzle video games, Dead End is shaping up to be quite the surprise. The trailer gives us a dark and dreadful atmosphere, and gives us a game reminiscent of Amnesia: Dark Decent; and we all know how horrifying THAT was. Drawing influence from their countless experiences in Escape Rooms, Beyond Creation is looking to bring that feeling to your own home. They already have six games planned out for the future, and we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out. That is, if we manage to escape our fears.

Canadian game studio Super Type is wasting no time in bringing a full-blown demonic invasion right to your doorstep. Synder is fully voiced, action=packed, FPS-horde survival game for the PC; and with inspiration drawn from Doom and Left 4 Dead, it’s shaping up to be a gory, good time!
“Mega corporations” run the show in the futuristic universe, and in typical fashion where humans tamper with time and space, the world finds itself open to a demonic wormhole where all the evil, creepy crawlies try to take over. Of course, it’s up to you to save the planet. We love a simple, ultraviolent story. Synder is Super Type’s first project, and if all goes well, it COULD give Doom a run for its money. We’ll have to wait and see.
Got any scary games planned for Halloween? Let us know! This is Alex Sy with Mega Cat Studios. Check back here for more awesome finds on Kickstarter and Join our Discord and subscribe to our YouTube for more!