Achievement Hunter time!
Mega Cat Studios had the awesome chance to converse with the Achievement Hunter fan, Jefflez from Reddit! We asked about their experiences and stories from the guys they admire on Achievement Hunter and the AH fan community they belong to. They gave us a sneak peek at how their community dynamics are! Here's how our interview with them went.

How did you discover Achievement Hunter and how long have you been in the community?
Oh man if I had to guess, I was browsing YouTube way back in 2010-ish and I got recommended a rage quit Michael did in Mirrors Edge, which I was playing at the time. And I remember just laughing and then going to the AH channel and subbing immediately. So yeah about 13 years I've been with this community, it's been a wild ride for sure 🤣
What were the biggest issues you encountered in the community?
Ooof, after all this time, I'd say welcoming new things, whether it be ideas, cast members, or just something against the norm.
Ever since the days when even Lindsay was featured as a small role in letsplays, I've seen comments always nitpicking the new members whether it be for how they play, or just how they flow in gameplay. And occasionally when they'll start a new series, people would immediately dislike it and do not let it grow the way it should. Not to say that everything AH puts out is Gold, but hey no Channel has consistently perfect content, but sometimes the Community would be way harsher than they need to be.
One example would be the Galacticraft let's play or Skyfactory series, and more recently ya dead ya drad.
Especially when members left, it would create unnecessary divides in the community, when Ray first left, everyone had thought "oh they ousted him out" when it was just Ray wanting to do better things, and blatantly ignoring explanations. Worse when Ryan was removed for good reason, god that whole month was terrible just hope some people would sympathize with him and actually bully the AH members on social media. Like, y'all don't think that was hard for them too?
The community really does have some one-way relationship sometimes, but those are the vocal minority, the true enjoyers like me just watch, leave a like, and go on.
What would be the best memory or moment you’ve experienced?
Oh man, I'd say the day they started doing GTA IV let's play. Those let's play we're just back-to-back hilarious, and I'll never forget rushing home from school with my mates and we'd scramble to watch the next one. Between that and the recent UNO Livestream 🤣
What would be your all-time favorite video from Achievement Hunter and why?
Ummm. Ironically I'd say either the first Gmod Murder or Prop Hunt video. Those 2 series I always go back to, and both videos just perfectly depict what AH is all about, fun times with friends and making everything funnier in-game wise
Should other people also try and check out Achievement Hunter or Rooster Teeth? Why so?
Absolutely! While I personally don't check out everything they put out, they do seem to offer something for everyone. I mean I remember watching Red Vs Blue and discovering RWBY way back in the day, and now I'm anxiously waiting for Volume 9. And while the members may often change, sometimes you'll find that you like the actual person themselves and you can check out their personal streams. RT/AH really does offer a nice community for people who appreciate gaming, fictional stories, or even just chatting around. It really is a nice place on the internet
With that, does that makes the community special?
Oh absolutely. It may have its problems, but it really is people just loving to hate, they still think the channel will miraculously be like the old days.But in reality, it's just the same group of people who love playing video games
Sure it may be different by comedy standards, but that's kinda the test of time. What's funny now may not be funny 10 years from now.
Who do you think would enjoy the community as well?
Anyone who likes to play games really. Very LGBT friendly too, and I don't listen to Face Jam but I hear that's also good for food reviews too, so really just anyone who enjoys internet/gaming culture
How would you describe your experience and stay in the AH community?
I've always had a good experience here, whether it be in the YouTube comments, the subreddits, or even on the old RT forums. Of course, during times of controversy, it wasn't always pleasant, and a lot of ignorant/hateful posts, but after a few days it's back to normal cause it really is jus people who love to hate. But in time I've made lots of cool friends that I continue to play games online with and it's a time of my life I'll never forget
What are your suggestions for the whole AH community?
If I had to suggest, Be more open-minded, like if we get a new member/series just give it time to grow, let them get the reins in, and if it's a struggle for you to watch still, voice your criticism and move on. Just don't be an asshole about it. And try to remember that this is a company that started out from just 5 dudes in college that got drunk and played video games a lot. Yeah, it's different now, obviously, but it's not like these bigger media companies like IGN or Gamespot or even the parent company Warner Bros. themselves.
They are just entertainers and they gotta do their best to entertain. Also, it's okay to stop watching, maybe just try the podcasts or other stuff, but its okay to move in from something that doesn't make you happy.
And don't be afraid to check out members' personal streams, sometimes they ARE better when not under YouTubes/WB Age-Restricts vision
Check out Achievement Hunter in Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram!
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