Weekly Gaming News: Nintendoji, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, Coca Cola Byte
It’s time again for more Weekly Gaming News from Mega Cat Studios!
Now, if you're a huge anime fan or anything Japan, we have a couple of tidbits that might tickle your fancy. Also, since gamer fuel is kind of a big thing nowadays, one certain company decided to throw its hat in the ring! Let's go!

Now, a lot of geeks and gamers alike have a lot of knowledge to drop, and of course, they'll let you know about it. But this time, we've come across a game that you might have never even heard of ever! We're talking about Nintendoji. It's an exclusive digital reward for gold and platinum club Nintendo members. It's understandable that very few know about this game because it was only released in Japan.
Developed by Grounding and released nine years ago in April of 2013, it's a turn-based battler where players explore dungeons and kick some bad guy’s ass to improve their skills and gather items. It's very simple yet enjoyable. The end goal is to find some sacred relics, which includes some nice crossover items from the Mario series and other Nintendo franchise. Your main guy Kageshina Kurabe may not be as popular as other Nintendo mainstays, but he's appeared on Super Smash Bros. as a trophy and spirit, so if you're still wondering who that handsome red-haired Onii-chan is, well, now you know.
Now, it's time to take a look at a cute classic that's making its way to the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch, complete with a shiny coat of remastered paint. Sweet! Natsume Atari's collaboration with Tango Project is finally going to drop, and we can finally get a taste of the sweet nostalgia from 1990s. Now, this new entry in the Pocky & Rocky series is scheduled for release this summer, so the short wait can definitely be sustained by the hype.
Now, if you haven't seen this shrine maiden and tanooki duo, this is a good chance to check them out. And if you want to know why people are so excited, Tango Project has a cool gameplay trailer on their Youtube channel right now. So whether it's top-down or side-scrolling, the classic style of action is both cute and pretty challenging, to say the least. Pocky & Rocky Reshrined is available for pre-order right now and set for official release on April 21 in Japan and June 24 everywhere else.
Last but not least, we're rehydrating, recharging, and realizing that one major soda brand just might have pulled an epic gamer move, and no, this is not an April fool's joke again. Coca-Cola has come up with a pixel-flavored drink called Coca-Cola Byte. It's part of their Creations project lineup and is clearly inspired by all things retro, given its sweet vaporwave aesthetic. Now, if only we could get the weekend to promote it, we could come full retro circle.
This, of course, isn't the first time Coca-Cola brought us something out of this world. Coke Starlight was their first release in the Creations collection and gave us a taste of space. And I guess that's what people mean when they sort of kind of want to break up, but not really. But moving on, according to their website, Coca-Cola Byte’s bright, upfront taste is reminiscent of powering up a game. And its refreshing finish makes for a perfect gaming companion. Well, whatever that kind of flavor profile is, I‘m so intrigued. The drink won't be available worldwide until early May, but you'll be seeing a lot of their promotional material in Fortnite. So, from a Coke Byte island to different mini-games and challenges, the hype is real, so we're hoping that the pixel flavor will pack a punch.
Well, that's our news for the week, but we'll be back again from the archives to feed your retro cravings. This has been Weekly Gaming News, join our Discord and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!